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Specification (1.0)SchemasCall Tool Response

Call Tool Response schema

The CallToolResponse schema defines the structured data returned from a tool call.

Schema Fields

Execution Metadata

  • call_id (string, required): A unique identifier for this call. If call_id is not present in the request, the server MUST generate one and return it in the response.
  • success (boolean, required): Boolean flag indicating the success or failure of the call.
  • duration (number, optional): Call time in milliseconds.

Output Content

The output can take one of several forms:

  1. Null Response: Contains execution metadata only.
  2. Value Response: Contains execution metadata and a value field that MUST be a JSON value, array, or object conforming to the output schema of the tool.
  3. Error Response: Contains execution metadata and an error object with:
    • message (string): A user-facing error message.
    • developer_message (string, optional): Detailed error information for internal debugging.
    • can_retry (boolean, optional): Indicates if the request can be retried by the client. If unspecified, the client MUST assume the request cannot be retried (false).
    • additional_prompt_content (string, optional): Extra content to be used for retry prompts.
    • retry_after_ms (number, optional): How long to wait before retrying the call (in milliseconds).

The CallToolResponse schema ensures that every response provides clear and actionable information regarding the outcome of the tool call, regardless of whether the tool’s function or service code executed successfully or not.

Non-Normative Examples

The following examples are non-normative and are provided to illustrate the use of the CallToolResponse schema.

  1. Calculator.Add (Success)

    A response for a tool call to add two numbers.

    { "call_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000", "duration": 50, "success": true, "value": 15 }
  2. Doorbell.Ring (Success, No Output)

    A response for a tool call to ring a doorbell that does not return any output.

    { "call_id": "223e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174001", "duration": 30, "success": true, "value": null }
  3. System.GetTimestamp (Success)

    A response for a tool call that retrieves the current system timestamp.

    { "call_id": "323e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174002", "duration": 25, "success": true, "value": { "timestamp": "2023-10-05T12:00:00Z" } }
  4. Gmail.GetEmails (Success)

    A successful response for a Gmail tool call that returns a list of emails.

    { "call_id": "423e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174003", "duration": 120, "success": true, "value": { "emails": [ { "id": "email_1", "subject": "Welcome to Gmail", "snippet": "Hello, welcome to your inbox!" }, { "id": "email_2", "subject": "Your Receipt", "snippet": "Thank you for your purchase..." } ] } }
  5. SMS.Send (Success)

    A successful response for a tool call that sends an SMS.

    { "call_id": "523e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174004", "duration": 80, "success": true, "value": { "status": "sent" } }
  6. Error Response

    A tool call error response that includes both a user-facing message and an internal developer message.

    { "call_id": "623e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174005", "duration": 40, "success": false, "error": { "message": "Could not reach the server. Please try again later.", "developer_message": "The host is not reachable (ECONNREFUSED)" } }
  7. Error Response with Additional Prompt Content

    An error response that offers additional context and retry guidance to the client.

    { "call_id": "723e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174006", "duration": 60, "success": false, "error": { "message": "Doorbell ID not found", "developer_message": "The doorbell with ID 'doorbell1' does not exist.", "can_retry": true, "additional_prompt_content": "ids: doorbell42,doorbell84", "retry_after_ms": 500 } }
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